Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day trip: Pretty flowers!

Hehe. But first...

 So a few days ago, I went to the place where I get all my cheap eyelashes from and went a little crazy xD LOOK AT THEM ALL :D

*squeal* Yaaayyyy I love eyelashes haha. Enough said.

So kinda, I got an iPhone4 :) I love this phone because the deco for it is so cute- its a nice large flat surface so you can do so much with it! Oh the possibilities~ Here's what mine looks like now. Plain, but I think its cute.

I also bought this Rilakkuma oversized bag today. I'm going to use it when I travel to Japan! Its so cute and can hold soooo many things hehe. It was about 7$USD.

And once again we went to Caffe Pascucci and I ordered this delicious drink! I don't remember what its called haha but its got caramel on top and the design is pretty! Alsol this was taken with the iPhone4, not bad quality!

Some random shots of the day taken with my iPhone :)

 Okay so for the main part!

Yesterday, my parents and I went to go see some beautiful flowers. They only grow in this one part of Thailand and appear for about 3 months. There are fields filled with them and they are truly gorgeous! Sadly though, this is near the end of the season so it wasn't filled like it normally is so there weren't that many :( I've been here before and I really enjoy it every time I come. Even though Thailand is hot, here for some reason its actually pretty cold o.o there is always a nice gentle breeze and its misty! Such a good atmosphere. Enjoy these pictures~

And a bonus: There was a rock shaped like a turkey that my mom and I found amusing... LOL ftw

Another bonus! A picture of my mom and I :)

Yeah ignore the weird face I'm making! I love my mommy :)

I hope you enjoyed this post! Thanks for reading~

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